Hello! Welcome to Nerucom V2, the second version of my website's index. (click here to view V1) The subtitle 'Elio's Web Hideout' is still part of the site's title but has been abbreviated to just Nerucom for commodity's sake.
Who is Nerucom? She's the site mascot you see on your left! She was conceptualized along with my first real attempt at learning HTML and CSS and has been kept as a constant as I keep developing my website.
To learn more about the webmaster you can visit the about section. To keep it short, I'm an artist who's never adapted in social media spaces and has landed on Neocities to make their web experience more personal. You can check out the art gallery to see all of my art. If you're more interested in my personal ramblings, give my diary or my shrines a read. Hope you have a wonderful stay at Nerucom V2!

use my button!

updates 〜 
- 1/1/24: Uploaded all of December 2023's art!
- 1/1/24: Nerucom V2 uploaded! Happy new year! (and happy birthday to Rukawa <3)
- 11/12/23: Newsletter and dj reader uploaded! Updates and site plans will now be discussed more in depth in newsletter article.
- 7/12/23: mini christmas update on the index
- 6/12/23: Uploaded piclog
- 4/12/23: First ever hobopro entries uploaded! New diary entry on my trip to Bologna.
- 1/12/23: All of November's art uploaded on the art gallery! Please check it out ♪
- 1/12/23: All images in the art gallery can now be viewed in full resolution by clicking on them.
- 30/11/23: Made a new about me page, made a ruhana shrine!
- 21/11/23: More housekeeping, added more neocities to the links pages, uploaded all of october's art and a new diary entry on my plans for this site. Also a big thank you to everyone who's left kind words in my guestbook and neocities profile! (I can't reply yet, neocities won't let me. TT)
- 21/11/23: mini Yakuza Gaiden review added in the Kiryu shrine's stim zone.
- 20/11/23: WEBSITE IS ONLINE ! doing some housekeeping for today, moving to neocities is kinda tricky.
- 19/11/23: Made the characters page!
- 18/11/23: Made links and resources page!
- 15/11/23: Finished index and important pages! I don't like this index very much though...