hi there! welcome to elio's web hideout (that's me), my own personal site here
on neocities! The one above who just greeted you is this site's mascot, Nerucom,
a robot girl who was concieved along with my first real attempt at making a website. She's
a sort of internet guide and you can read more about her in the
site characters page. To know more about the webmaster you can visit the related
tab. This site is a home to all of my art, ramblings about the things that I love and
digital collection of my belongings. Hope you have a great time here at
my personal little home base!
IMPORTANT!: This website is coded on a 1920x1080 desktop monitor on a chromium-based browser. Try zooming out if stuff looks weird! most pages contain autoplay except for the homepage so until I make a splashpage, keep the volume at around 50% or mute the tab. thank you for your patience