more on this minisite
I've coded the entirety of nerucom/mini in one day, feeling in desperate need of a space where I could actually write, without the pressure of making it look fancy or 'aesthetic', as has been called before. While it certainly is flattering to receive this praise, it made me realize how much nerucom as a whole feels more like an art project of mine instead of a personal website. updating it has become kind of a chore, especially seeing how busy I am with uni. Still, I wanted a place where I could just write. I know nobody ever read my diary entries anyway, which is cool, considering how sanitized those were as well. I always felt nervous writing in that site. I forgot to mention this, but enjoy your stay, both on nerucom and here on nerucom/mini.
about the webmaster

Hi, I'm Elio
I'm a 20 year old artist, living in a small, nondescript town in northern Italy. But you already know that! I'm a little chameleonic in nature and frequently change interests... but I really do like variety. Currently in uni, studying archival and library science ^^ (it's as boring as it sounds...)
likes: loneliness, cold weather, pigeons, desserts, going home
dislikes: loneliness, loud and self-centered people, tomatoes
favorite characters: kiryu kazuma, yu nanba & others
hobbies: making art, cooking, feeding the pigeons, discovering new music, thrifting