You've reached the camera collection zone!
Collecting old Mini DV cameras is a recent hobby of mine (it's
gonna turn one year old soon!) and it spawned from NewJeans'
Ditto mv which is honestly kind of embarassing to admit (like,
me being inspired by contemporary media?? That can't be happening,
I'm an oldhead and pretending to be a time traveller!!!!).
Other than that, I grew up seeing my dad always bringing his camera
to family trips and camcorder to film my elementary school concerts,
but that interest of his kinda died down as smartphones started
becoming a must have, along with his desire to create and store memories
in a memory card or a Mini DV tape. I decided to pick it up in his place
to create little time capsules with my friends instead, recording and photographing
bits of whatever we did when we went out and making short films!
me and my friends rarely get the occasion to all meet up and I'm really self-concious about filming alone in public so I bring them with me less and less (Plus, my
camcorders are heavy as bricks! And the lighter one's battery dies
instantly!). Writing this paragraph though is making me want to bring them out next time I go outside... Anyway, here's my collection of all my babies, including some footage and/or
photos I took with them.
Images are actually
high rez so give them some time to load.