Welcome to the rucawa plush sightings network, your one and only source for rucawa plush sightings, news and encounter stories! Concieved as merchandising for a rather unknown sports manga, rucawa plush was first seen circulating in the year 199█ and has become rarer to spot as time advances.
It's rumored to have mystical properties and people who have had the occasion of encountering it have experienced perceiving, as they describe it, its 'unsettling aura'. More prominently in the year 199█ continuing into the early 2000s, people have been in possession of their own rucawa plush and have tried keeping it as a collection object, but the stuffed toys have seemingly disappeared short after or have been sold off on auction sites. It is unknown what the new owners of the rucawa plushies have done with them as they all refuse to testimony their experience or talk about their rucawa plush's current whereabouts. Moreover, after the transaction and successful shipment, all auction pages of this mysterious object and evidence of the sale appear to vanish, deleted by either the seller or the
auction site itself. We are still unsure whether this small mass of rucawa plushies are just proxies, a colony of ants following their queen, or if they are their own entity themselves. in the latter case,
we'd have to refer them as a 'swarm anomaly', acting as a sort of independent army without a leader.
Is rucawa plush dangerous?
There's currently no evidence of rucawa plush being hostile as witnesses have only reported experiencing a sensation of pressure and slight anxiety while being in its presence. It has never attacked people or animals and no one hasn't even seen it animating or moving on its own, only disappearing and reappearing in various places when no one is looking. Although the more paranoid testimonies have described rucawa plush as a creature that is always staring at its victim, like a predator, the majority of encounter stories deny this theory, as rucawa plush seems to be always looking at nothing in particular or spacing out. We can thereby confirm that rucawa plush is unable to cause any physical harm.
Should I hunt a rucawa plush for myself?
Although they're not particularly dangerous, it is not recommended that you attempt to get one of your own or go on 'sighting expeditions'. Rucawa plush is still a very undocumented being. We know it exists but
we don't know whether it can be considered a lifeform of sort. Still, it's a rather niche and still unknown subject so mass sighting crusades caused by ignorant rumors being spread could possibly harm rucawa plush and in turn, knowing of its other-worldly capabilities and energy, the balance of the world. We as a group, are not interested in the eradication or expunging of rucawa plush and are actively against looking for it or damaging it in any way. We serve the single purpose of studying, documenting its existence and informing people.
LAST SIGHTING: November 11th , 200█